How many great design ideas have you had that you never followed through on? If it’s a lot, you’re not alone. Some might chalk it up to a lack of motivation, but I don’t agree with that. Most of the time, you don’t have a problem with motivation. Your problem is with execution! There are several reasons why knitting pattern designers don’t follow through on their design ideas. In this blog post, I will explain why and suggest ways that you can move forward.
Read MoreIf you’re like many knitting pattern designers, you likely feel a bit lost when it comes to drawing schematics. You know how you want your schematics to look, but getting that to translate into the drawing is difficult! In this blog post, I am sharing 7 tips and tricks that will simplify the process and give you better results when drawing knitting pattern schematics.
Read MoreInspiration can be elusive, especially when you’re just starting out as a knitting pattern designer. Perhaps you have one idea, but how do you come up with others?! Thankfully, if inspiration doesn’t find you, you can find it! In this blog post, I list 9 unexpected things that could potentially inspire your next knitting pattern design.
Read MoreThe early stages of designing a knitting pattern can be so much fun, but once you’ve got that design idea visualised, how do you find the perfect yarn to use? In this blog post, I’m going to tell you why your yarn choice matters, what makes a good yarn choice and some factors to consider when choosing a yarn for your knitting pattern designs.
Read MoreYou know what you want to do. You know how to do it. But how do you get yourself to actually get it done? In this blog post, I share my top tips for staying motivated throughout the design process.
Read MoreWhich should you do first: write the knitting pattern or knit the sample? The answer is different for every designer and in this blog post, I weigh up the pros and cons of each method to help you decide which will work best for you.
Read MoreKnitting pattern designers don’t struggle in the idea generation stage of the process. Instead, the challenge is in turning those design ideas into an actual knitting pattern. In this blog post, I share the missing link that helps you to turn your design ideas into actual knitting patterns.
Read MoreThere’s something about designing sweaters that puts the fear in every new knitting pattern designer. So many calculations! So much grading! Am I even ready for this?! It’s understandable that you feel nervous about tackling a sweater design! But that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re not ready yet. In this blog post, I’m going to share three indicators that suggest you are ready to design your first sweater pattern.
Read MoreHave you ever sketched a design that you’ve fallen in love with, but immediately thought, “How would I even attempt to create this?” That’s where swatching comes in. Swatches don’t just have to be large squares of fabric that you test your gauge on. They can become mini-garments that you test all of your ideas on, so that you can actually bring them to life. In this blog post, I’ll show you how.
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