New knitting pattern designers often turn to stitch dictionaries for inspiration, a reliable source for tried-and-true stitch patterns. But there's an additional, exciting layer to our design work: creating unique designs from these foundations inspired by the world around us. In this post, I'll guide you through the process of using your knitting knowledge and a range of inspirations to develop original stitches and motifs. We'll explore how to build on the basics, find inspiration in ordinary places, and translate these into your knitting.
Read MoreAs a designer who leans towards visual learning, I understand the power of a well-crafted diagram. Seeing elements of a pattern laid out visually makes complex details a little easier for me to digest. In this guide, we will explore the world of charts, schematics, diagrams, and pattern photos, and talk about how they improve the knitting experience for your customers and ensure that your designs work up just as you envisioned.
Read MoreIn my experience, both through designing my own patterns and teaching others in Sweater Design School, I've learned the immense value of well-written patterns. Clarity and conciseness are not just nice to have - they are essentials that transform the knitting experience. Let's delve deeper into how you can make your knitting patterns clearer, more concise, and easy to follow.
Read MoreHave you ever wondered if you really need to create your own tutorials? As a knitting pattern designer, I've explored this question head-on, creating my own tutorials as well as linking to others'. In this post, I'll share my experiences and insights on both approaches, exploring why you might want to choose one over the other.
Read MoreCreating clear, consistent, and user-friendly patterns is crucial for your success as a knitting pattern designer. This blog post will explain the significance of a style sheet in knitting pattern design, showing how it impacts your patterns’ consistency, brand identity, efficiency, and professionalism.
Read MoreFrom embracing project management with Asana to planning and delegation, I'm sharing the plan that will lead me to becoming a more prolific pattern designer in the coming year. Join me as I share the strategies set to transform my approach to knitting pattern design and, hopefully, inspire you on your design journey, too.
Read MoreIn this blog post, we're getting to the heart of using stitch patterns or motifs in sweater design. This essential skill ensures your design looks attractive and works well across your entire range of sizes. Whether you’re an experienced designer or just starting out, grasping these three golden rules is essential for creating size-inclusive, beautiful sweaters.
Read MoreWhile Ravelry and other pattern marketplaces are valuable platforms for knitting pattern designers, making it your sole online shop is not wise. In this blog post, I share seven essential elements you should include on your designer website, with examples from five popular knitting pattern designers you might be familiar with.
Read MoreIn this blog post, I am going to teach you the 5 key considerations you should make when choosing a stitch or motif for your new sweater design. You’ll learn how to ensure that your stitch pattern is not just visually pleasing but also scales beautifully for every size in your sweater pattern.
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