Mood boards are a fantastic way to start the knitting pattern design process strong and guide your ideas to a fantastic conclusion. In this blog post, I will show you three ways you can use Canva, a free online graphic design tool, to create mood boards that will kick creative block to the curb.
Read MoreThe yarn you choose for your new knitting pattern can either play the hero or the villain when it comes to the outcome of your project. In this blog post, I’m going to explain why you need to put a lot of thought and consideration into the yarn you design your new knitting pattern in, as well as give you some tips on how to find the perfect match for your pattern.
Read MoreAre you a knitter who's always loved working from knitting patterns but has been too daunted to try your hand at designing one yourself? You're not alone! Knitting pattern design can seem like a complicated and mysterious process, but I'd love to show you how easy it can be. In this blog post, I will take you through the five simple steps to designing your first hat pattern using a spreadsheet, even if you have never designed a knitting pattern.
Read MoreReaders of this blog will know that I always recommend that designers write their first knitting pattern draft before they start knitting their sample, but what if you have already improvised your design? Well, that’s what I will teach you in this blog post. Whether you took notes whilst knitting (which is ideal!) or didn’t track anything, there is always a way of writing your pattern based on your improvised sample. Let’s jump in!
Read MoreOverwhelm is one of those sneaky emotions that creep in during the knitting pattern design process, and if you’re not careful, it can sabotage it. In this blog post, I’m sharing five tips to beat overwhelm so you can keep moving forward and get your patterns out into the hands of other makers!
Read MoreDo you dream of designing sweater patterns but hold back as you feel like it’s out of your league? Isn’t sweater design something reserved only for people with a design background? In this blog post, I’m sharing my experience of studying knitwear design at university, whether I think it’s essential to becoming a knitting pattern designer and sharing my tips for becoming a sweater designer.
Read MoreHow often do you dream about designing a sweater pattern but push the idea aside because it seems impossible? Sweater design isn’t as complex and overwhelming as it may seem. In this blog post, I will share how YOU can get started on your first sweater design today.
Read MoreIf you’re a new designer in the early stages of creating a new knitting pattern, you’ve probably wondered whether you should swatch or sketch first? In this blog post, I break down the design development stage of the knitting pattern process, sharing what has worked for my students and me, plus I will teach you how to know exactly what strategy will work best for you.
Read MoreTen years ago, I had the pleasure of studying Knitwear Design at university. Whilst the course primarily focused on commercial knitwear design for the fashion industry, there are several things I learned that have impacted who I am as a knitting pattern designer today and in this blog post, I am sharing those lessons with you.
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